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更新时间:2025-03-24 21:32:18

set-top box

英 [set tɔp bɔks]

美 [sɛt tɑp bɑks]


第三人称复数:set-top boxes

  • 网络解释

1. set-top box什么意思

1. 数字电视机顶盒:本书依托清华大学计算机科学与技术系多年的研究技术和经验,结合承担的数字化家庭网络控制平台、多媒体家庭网关、视频编解码等国家科研项目,系统介绍多媒体家庭网关的相关内容. 全书分两部分:第一部分分5章,以数字家庭中的典型应用--数字电视机顶盒(Set Top Box)为例,介绍其系统结构和总...

2. set-top box

2. 置顶盒,机顶盒:?????? subdirectory 子目录 | ????? set-top box 置顶盒,机顶盒 | ???? shareware 共享程序

3. 解碼盒:set thumbnail 设定缩图 | set top box 解碼盒 | set-top box 随选视讯盒

4. set-top-box:stb; 数字机顶盒

For example, you could build the OCAP implementation on a Linux computer for a specific kind of set-top box.(例如,您可以在一台Linux计算机上针对一种特定的机顶盒构建oCAP实现。)
To optimize the navigation for the end user, minimize the number of request and response interchanges between the set-top box and the portal.(要优化最终用户的导航,请尽可能减少机顶盒与门户间的请求和响应交换的数量。)
Specializing in the production of vacuum cleaners and set-top box panel.(专业生产吸尘器及机顶盒面板。)
One is an Apple TV, a $229 set-top box in my living room that plays digital audio and video through a standard home-theater system.(一个是AppleTV机顶盒,价格229美元,放在我的客厅里,通过一个标准的家庭影院系统播放数字音频和视频。)
Or the Akimbo (2005), a set-top box that gave you instant access to any TV show - any, that is, in its microscopic catalog.(另一个例子是Akimbo(2005年),一个能够即时提供给你任何电视节目的置顶盒——但是只能是从它提供的那些节目里挑选节目。)
The most profitable form of rental is a video-on-demand delivered through a cable or satellite set-top box, which is worth $3.50.(在出租类中,利润最高的是通过有线或卫星电视机顶盒实现的视频点播,平均每部达到3.5美元。)
Therefore, the user can access the multimedia portal from any supported devices including a PC, PDA, set-top box, and mobile phone, as illustrated in Figure 7.(因此,用户可以从任何受支持的设备上访问多媒体门户,包括PC、PDA、机顶盒和移动电话,如图7中所示。)
Homezone is based on a set-top box that contains a satellite receiver and DVR and also plugs into a fixed-line broadband link.(家庭地带的代服务的关键就在于制顶盒,这种制顶盒内包括一个卫星接收器,一个数字录像机和一个宽带网络连接插口。)
In these patents, Apple refers to a system that could "include a set-top box with or without a digital video recorder DVR or, personal video recorder PVR."(在这些专利中,苹果提到一种系统,可能“包括一部带或不带数字录像机(或者个人录像机)的机顶盒。”)
Steve Jobs has publicly stated the company's desire to "tear up the set-top box" and create something novel -- which is what Apple does in all of the markets it succeeds in.(史蒂夫•乔布斯曾公开表示,称苹果希望“抛弃机顶盒”,创造神奇的新玩艺儿。事实上,在该公司取得成功的每个市场,他们都是这么干的。)
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